Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in /home/chunice/corporate/prod_01/craft/app/services/ConfigService.php on line 763

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/chunice/corporate/prod_01/craft/app/services/ConfigService.php:763) in /home/chunice/corporate/prod_01/craft/app/framework/base/CErrorHandler.php on line 293
PHP warning

PHP warning

strpos(): Empty needle


751      *
752      * @return null
753      */
754     private function _mergeConfigs(&$baseConfig, $customConfig)
755     {
756         // Is this a multi-environment config?
757         if (array_key_exists('*', $customConfig))
758         {
759             $mergedCustomConfig = array();
761             foreach ($customConfig as $env => $envConfig)
762             {
763                 if ($env == '*' || strpos(CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT, $env) !== false)
764                 {
765                     $mergedCustomConfig = \CMap::mergeArray($mergedCustomConfig, $envConfig);
766                 }
767             }
769             $customConfig = $mergedCustomConfig;
770         }
772         $baseConfig = array_merge($baseConfig, $customConfig);
773     }
774 }

Stack Trace

 /home/chunice/corporate/prod_01/craft/app/etc/web/WebApp.php(694): CApplication->handleError(2, "strpos(): Empty needle", "/home/chunice/corporate/prod_01/craft/app/services/ConfigService...", 763)
689         if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1', '>=') && strpos($message, 'Narrowing occurred during type inference. Please file a bug report') !== false)
690         {
691             return;
692         }
694         parent::handleError($code, $message, $file, $line);
695     }
697     /**
698      * Raised right AFTER the application processes the request.
699      *
 /home/chunice/corporate/prod_01/craft/app/services/ConfigService.php(763): strpos("", "")
758         {
759             $mergedCustomConfig = array();
761             foreach ($customConfig as $env => $envConfig)
762             {
763                 if ($env == '*' || strpos(CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT, $env) !== false)
764                 {
765                     $mergedCustomConfig = \CMap::mergeArray($mergedCustomConfig, $envConfig);
766                 }
767             }
 /home/chunice/corporate/prod_01/craft/app/services/ConfigService.php(698): Craft\ConfigService->_mergeConfigs(array("actionTrigger" => "actions", "activateAccountSuccessPath" => "", "addTrailingSlashesToUrls" => false, "allowAutoUpdates" => true, ...), array("*" => array("cacheMethod" => "redis", "omitScriptNameInUrls" => true, "limitAutoSlugsToAscii" => true, "convertFilenamesToAscii" => true, ...), "dev" => array("testToEmailAddress" => "test@shakebiz.fr"), "" => array("siteUrl" => array("fr" => null, "en" => "en/")), "www" => array("devMode" => null, "aggrJs" => false, "aggrCss" => false, "jsDebug" => false, ...)))
693             // Does craft/config/general.php exist? (It used to be called blocks.php so maybe not.)
694             if (file_exists(CRAFT_CONFIG_PATH.'general.php'))
695             {
696                 if (is_array($customConfig = @include(CRAFT_CONFIG_PATH.'general.php')))
697                 {
698                     $this->_mergeConfigs($defaultsConfig, $customConfig);
699                 }
700             }
701             else if (file_exists(CRAFT_CONFIG_PATH.'blocks.php'))
702             {
703                 // Originally blocks.php defined a $blocksConfig variable, and then later returned an array directly.
2024-11-22 03:51:08 Apache / Craft CMS 2.7.2